• admin@mchllp.in
    022-26122993 / 94 / 3226

  • Address - 5, New Suri Building G B Indulkar Marg, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400057, Maharashtra, India.



    Cross border transactions represent an enhanced value to the promoters and other stakeholders. By rationalizing the operations, administrations, investments etc. such transactions help in enhancing the gains in real terms. However, cross-border transactions can generate additional taxes that may erode the benefits derived through operational efficiencies if proper planning is not employed.
    Services include:

    • Setting up business in India;
    • Advisory services on withholding tax requirements w.r.t. DTAA and Income tax laws;
    • Advisory on GST impact on cross border transactions;
    • Advisory on income tax structuring;
    • Consultancy on FEMA / RBI matters;
    • GIIN registrations;
    • ITDREIN registration w.r.t. Form 61A and 61B;
    • Issuing certificate for repatriation of income / assets from India;
    • FCGPR filings;
    • Planning efficient profit extractions;
    • Lower Rate TDS Certificate
    • Tax residency Certificate.
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